Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mission VS Updates!

Due to an accidental scheduling incident, we realized that many of you were unaware of yesterday's meeting. So for those of you who were unable to attend, here's a list of the things we talked about. :)

As we've been mentioning throughout meetings, we've decided we are going to make our potluck this upcoming Thursday, May 2nd, after school. Most likely it will be in Ms. Clarke's portable. We decided on a barbecue theme! Sign up sheets are also in Ms. Clarke's portable. Everyone needs to bring some vegan friendly item. Feel free to ask for recipes. Also know that this isn't limited to strictly Mission VS members, so we're going to need members to help us promote. Tell all your friends, put up fliers, anything helps!

We were wondering how many of you would be interested in buying T shirts with the logo we presented at the meeting prior to yesterday's. Prices would more than likely be the usual $10. Let us know if you'd like to snag one, so we can make the order as soon as possible!

Ms. Clarke announced to us that the Vegetarian Society of El Paso is hosting a dinner on Saturday, May 4th, with guest speaker Dr. James McWilliams. She invited us to attend with her, however there is a price of $20 for nonmembers, and $18 for members or student's with a student ID. The information I am providing below is from the VSEP's event page.

@ Airport Holiday Inn, 6655 Gateway West
6 pm meet and greet, eat at 6:30 pm
Special Guest Speaker Dr. James McWilliams, is an historian and writer based in Austin, Texas. His books include Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly and A Revolution in Eating: How the Quest for Food Shaped America .
Cost: $20 nonmembers, $18 members & students w/ID, $10 children under 12
Paid reservations are due Tuesday, April 30th
Reserve your space & pay online with a credit card or PayPal at www.vsep.orgOR email OR call 915-877-3030. Then, make a check or money order payable to VSEP & mail to: VSEP, 6757 Gato Rd., El Paso, TX 79932

If you would like a facebook invite, let Ana know and she'll get right on that.

Also don't forget that you can become a member of the Vegetarian Society of El Paso for the low price of only $10 per year! Your membership will come with a free subscription to VegNews magazine. You also have access to fun activities such as potlucks, cooking classes, speakers, discounts on VS events, and more. For more information on becoming a members, talk to Ms. Clarke or visit the VESP website at

Not too sure if anyone remembers, but at Fabian's benefit show a couple of weeks ago, Mission VS sold smoothies. At the end of the night, we made a total of $30! Keep in mind that this is going to go back to the members. Whoever has the most points by the end of the year will receive a prize, so keep posting all your vegan and vegetarian meals!

I, Tatiana, as well as all the other officers thank you all for your support with this organization. Keep spreading the word so we can keep Mission VS alive. We look forward to all these upcoming events, and we hope to see everyone there!

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